
How it was_________Image taken from http://assets.bizjournals.com/twincities/blog/real_estate/LM%20Eagan%2008E62202*304.jpg?v=1

Sunday, April 26, 2015

April 26, 2015 - Minneapolis Skyline - Say Good Bye to Old Chicago - Guard Shack ready to be occupied.

Mixed bag of stuff today.
Mark Mackes  noticed the other day you can now see the Minneapolis Skyline from the Pilot Knob - Yankee Doodle Intersection or close to it.
This is likely the first time these buildings have been seen from this vantage point.  The tallest buildings in Minneapolis (you can only see the top portions) were built after the Eagan Facility was built.  I know you could see them from the "hill" off the South Entrance going to the West parking lots, but not from the Pilot Knob, Yankee Doodle intersection.

I have included some before and after (present pictures).  Who knows what the new development will bring.

I peered through the windows of the guard shack today.  There are still some papers, and pen on the desk, waste basket and chair inside.  Glass reflection didn't allow for as clear a picture as I got with my eyes.

Finally , noted at the end is the passing of another casualty of the CLOSING.  Old Chicago in the Town Centre area closed recently.  I saw them removing the sign, but didn't have my camera that day.

Minneapolis Skyline From Eagan (Pilot Knob-Yankee Doodle) and nearby.


Salvaged Concrete Foundations, To Be Recycled for Aggregate

Guard Shack With Chair Still Sitting inside.

Old Chicago Is no more.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

April 22, 2015 - Additional photos, contributed by Richard (RIP) Anderson

Thanks to Richard Anderson for these additional views.  Taken earlier in the day than my photos of 4-22-2015

April 22, 2015 - Pictures from 4-20-2015 and 4-22-2015 - Not much left above ground now.

It was rainy early 4-20-2015, and snowed off and on all day 4-21-2015, do didn't go out.
Today was bright and sunny and reasonably warm, but windy.

Pictures posted today are from 4-20-2015 and 4-22-2015

